SHW’s Jubilee wine and label competitions are now accepting entries.

The Jubilee weekend begins on May 31with a wine competition in Sacramento, and concludes on the next day, June 1, with a picnic and awards ceremony at the Pinegar Ranch in Loomis. All Club members and families and their guests are invited to the June 1 festivities.

Wine Competition. Members are invited to submit their wines into competition. The entry period is from March 17th through April 30th.

  • Entries will be accepted at the March 19 and April 16th SHW meetings. Various remote locations will also accept entries during the entry period.
  • The first wine entry is free of cost. Subsequent entries are only $10 per entry. You may enter as many wines as you like.
  • Only one 750 ml or equivalent bottle is required per wine entry. No capsules or wax, please.
  • Registration must be made online and the entry bottle label securely affixed on the entry wine before it can be accepted. Please note: when entering wines that require refrigeration, please cover the entire entry bottle label with clear tape so that the ink does not run.
  • The Jubilee is also one of the required competitions to vie for SHW’s Winemaker of the Year.
  • This is a SHW members-exclusive competition. Only current members in good standing may enter.
  • The deets: competition details and to enter on-line.

Wine Bottle Label Competition. We’re winemakers and that means we’re all artists at heart and our creativity is often expressed through our wine labels.

  • This wine label competition is open to SHW members only. A member does not need to enter a competition wine to enter into the label competition.
  • No cost to enter the wine label competition.
  • Submit your label entries along with your name, email and cell number during the same entry period and locations as the Jubilee’s wine entries, or mail labels to Christa Ring (contact Christa for mailing address).
  • Wine labels that have previously won awards at SHW’s label competitions are not eligible to compete in this year’s contest.
  • People’s Choice! Vote for your favorite labels at the Picnic on Sunday, June 1st. Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

Picnic and Awards Ceremony. The Sunday, June 1 festivities unfold at 1 pm. The top Jubilee Wine Competition winners will be revealed at the awards ceremony and you’ll have a chance to enjoy the competition’s wines. You’ll also vote for your fave wine label, bid on a small silent auction, and munch on a potluck in the shade. The Club provides the entree. Registration is required – watch for the details.

Jubilee contacts:

Wine Competition and Awards Ceremony – Mike Menard at

Label Competition – Christa Ring at

Picnic – Judy Pinegar at judypinegar@