The cost of a Lodi Wine Labs WineScan Panel is now $45.00. Folsom Lake College offers wine analysis at no cost however, they don’t test for free SO2 and wine samples need to be dropped off at the college’s El Dorado Center in Placerville. As a service to Club members, should the Club invest in a device that would make similar measurements?
This proposal provides for the Club to purchase a Sentia Wine Analyzer at a discount. Each test below will be an estimated $5 per individual test which covers test strips and solutions. Six tests are available:
- Free SO2 (3-75 ppm);
- Malic Acid (0.05-5 g/l);
- Titratable AcidityGlucose (3-10 g/l);
- Fructose (0.1-10 g/l);
- Glucose (0.1-10g/l); and
- Acetic Acid (0.1-15 g/l).
Members bring their wine samples to the monthly meetings and if time permits, the samples are tested at the meeting; otherwise, members will be advised of the test results within 24-36 hours. All tests would be performed by an SHW member who has been trained in the use of the tool. There is no learning curve on your part.
At this Wednesday’s meeting, March 19, let us know if you would be interested in submitting your wine samples for analysis using this proposed service.
Please direct questions to Vice-President Byron Froman at