Meeting Program. Getting ready to bottle? At the Club’s March 19 meeting, guest speaker Scott Harvey with Scott Harvey Wines shares his tips on fining, filtering, and finishing wines before putting them into the bottle. Even the smallest adjustments to wines before bottling can encourage wines to age longer and more gracefully.
Scott plans to bring his pH meter and offers to test your wine. Acid and other adjustments can be found in scot Harvey’s formula handbook here and under the Member Resources, Speaker Resources tab on the Club’s website.
Tasting Table. At this meeting, members can bring their wines for peer feedback. Both the winemakers and reviewers remain anonymous – low anxiety! Bring a bottle labeled with just the variety / blend and vintage. Check in your wine with Sue Nemeth who will be standing near the Tasting Table. Before and after the meeting,meeting attendees taste and provide written feedback on your wine. At the end of the evening, remember to pick up your wine and written reviews. If the opportunity comes up, you can also get Scott to informally taste your wine.
Jubilee Wine and Wine Label Competition Entries. The Jubilee cellar masters will be accepting your wine and wine bottle label entries at the March 19th and April 16th SHW meetings. Find the celler masters in the Turn Verein parking lot from 6:30 pm-7:00 pm. If you are arriving after 7:00 pm, do not bring your entries upstairs. Instead, talk with one of the celler masters to arrange for the handoff downstairs after the meeting. This year’s Jubilee is on May 31 (wine competition) and June 1 (awards ceremony and picnic). Jubilee and competition details will be available soon – watch for the blog post!
The March 19th meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. upstairs at the Turn Verein located at 3349 J Street, Sacramento. Front doors open at 6:30 p.m. Bring your wine glass and an optional bottle to share.
March 19 meeting – Co-VP Byron Froman at
Jubilee – Competition Coordinator Mike Menard at