Harvest is getting close! It’s time to get your winery, your crew and you ready for the incoming loads.

Meeting Program: SHW’s July 17 meeting’s guest speaker is winemaker John Troiano who will be talking about Harvest Basics. John spends the evening helping you decide on winemaking goals, determining which style you’d like to make, and ways to get you there. John will emphasize making brix and pH adjustments to must and juice prior to fermentation creating the building blocks to a successful fermentation.

Tasting Table: if you have a wine or two that you’d like to have anonymously evaluated, bring a sample to the meeting. Identify your wine sample only with vintage and varietal / blend; no name. Check in with Sue Nemeth at the Tasting Table and she’ll give your wine a unique identifier. At the head and tail of the meeting, anyone can anonymously taste your wine and jot down feedback on the sheets provided. Before you leave the meeting, remember to pick up your wine sample and the written feedback.

The meeting starts at 7pm upstairs at the Turn Verein located at 3349 J Street in Sacramento. Front doors open after 6:30 pm. Please bring a wine glass for your use. Your help in setting up and cleaning up is appreciated.