We’re hearing that while this summer’s intense heat may have slowed the berries from ripening, growers are predicting that harvest will be on track. Time to get the cellar and crews ready.

SHW Winemaking Equipment Rental Program

The Club has larger pieces of wine making equipment available for members to rent including destemmer-crushers, basket presses, plate filter, bottle filler, and corker. The “rent” is at no cost. The up front deposit is refundable if the equipment is returned intact (don’t forget that electrical cord), in good working order, and very clean. For more information and to reserve equipment, see this link. This link is also found on the website’s Home page on the horizonal navigation bar, Member Resources.

Contact Equipment Program Coordinator Byron Froman at befroman@gmail.com with questions.

Equipment Training and Certification

To rent the destemmer-crusher and basket press, members must be certified in the safe use, care and cleaning of these items. This training – certification is offered on August 10 (Saturday) in Granite Bay during the Winemaking 101 workshop. If you are not interested in taking Winemaking 101 but wish to be trained and certified, please contact WM 101 Coordinator Joe McGillivray at pyramidlake59@gmail.com or 916-261-9438 before August 10.