Meetings and Events

Wine Faults Workshop – February 22

A few seats have opened up for this Saturday’s workshop with winemaker Dick Minnis. Dick is a seasoned home wine maker and wine judge who shares his experiences and knowledge about common wine faults including ethyl acetate (smells like nail polish remover) and hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs aroma). Dick covers the causes, possible treatments, and…


WineMaker Magazine Wine Competition and Conference

Entries for the Winemaker Magazine’s 2025 International Amatuer Wine Competition close on March 7. See this link for the details. The magazine’s 2025 annual conference is on May 15-18 in Sacramento. An additional $25 conference fee discount is offered to California’s home wine club members bringing the total conference fee discount to $125. Enter “WMClub25”…

February 19 Meeting: White and Rose Evals, Bring Competition Wines

White and rose wine evaluations. Bring your 2024 white and rose wines to SHW’s February 19 meeting to be evaluated by guest evaluator Brad Alderson. If you’d like your wine evaluated by Brad, please: Bring your competition wines. SHW members can bring their competition wine entries to the meeting: Logistics. The February 19 meeting starts…

Wine Sensory Classes

Dora Dain Farms and Wine in Lincoln has an upcoming two-part Wine Sensory class led by Pat Henderson. Some of you may have attended Pat ‘s sensory workshops for winemakers a couple of years ago that was sponsored by SHW. This two-part class is geared more towards wine appreciation than wine making. The Wine Sensory…

February 19 Meeting – White and Rose Wines Evaluation

SHW’s February 19 meeting is the evaluation of members’ 2024 white and rose wines. Brad Alderson, retired winemaker at Woodbridge Winery, is the meeting’s evaluator. To allow Brad to enough time to evaluate submitted wines, please: SHW members can bring their competition wine entries to the meeting: The February 19 meeting starts at 7 pm…


February 22 Wine Faults Workshop

A few seats are still available for the wine Faults Workshop presented by Dick Minnis. Learn about avoiding unwanted aromas and tastes that your wines can acquire during fermentation and through oxidation, and more. Workshop participants are invited to bring wines for Dick’s evaluation. See more workshop details and make your reservations at this link.