Grapes Sell / Buy

Free Tempranillo

Members Dennis and Susan Cook have about 500 lbs. of tempranillo they would like to offer free to SHW members. The home vineyard is in Clarksburg and harvest ETA is mid- September. You pick. if interested, contact Dennis or Susan at 916-616-4681 or 916-549-6873, respectively. Club members only.

Grapes for Sale: Old Vine Zinfandel – Shenandoah Valley, Plymouth

Old Vine Zinfandel-Dry farmed, planted in the 1970’s and early 1990’s. We prune for qualityand low yield to produce excellent concentrated flavors in the clusters. Perfect fruit for all winemakers- new or experienced. $ .70/lb. You pick- destemmer is available to those buying more than 500 lbs. Peel Vineyards-Shenandoah Valley-Plymouth, CApeelski5@yahoo.com916-439-3181- Dana

Grapes for Sale: Barbera – Placerville, El Dorado County

4-5 tons of Barbera available from Cassella Vineyards. We are located on the Placerville western slope at an elevation of 1465 feet.  Our grapes have been sold in previous years to a commercial wine maker with award winning results.   This year we are able to offer these to home winemakers. We are priced at 60…