
Grapes for Sale: Barbera, Cabernet Sauvignon, Semillon – Clarksburg (Yolo County)

Paul and Nancy Baldwin still have grapes for sale after an extended ripening season. They have very clean and easy to pick Barbera at 24 brix, excellent Cab at 22-23 brix and beautiful Semillon at 22-23 brix (as of October 10). The history of ripening can be followed on their website at Grapes are…

Grapes for Sale: Cabernet Sauvignon – Red Hills AVA, Lake County

Approximately 2 tons of Cabernet Sauvignon available, Chik Brenneman, partner and winemaker for Baker Family Wines is making these quality grapes available to SHW members for $1 lb. The Cabernet normally goes for $3-4 lb. If you’ve wanted to make a Lake County wine, here’s your chance. The grapes arrive at Baker Family Wines in…