Meet. Learn. Play.
Sacramento Home Winemakers
We’re a volunteer non-profit social club promoting the art and science of home winemaking. Meet new friends, make wine and have fun!
Join Sacramento Home Winemakers
SHW is currently accepting 2025 memberships for both continuing and new members. Memberships may be submitted on-line, by USPS, or in person at a Club meeting. For membership details and membership application, click here.
Next Meetings and Events
The Club meets monthly at 7pm on the third Wednesdays of the month, unless otherwise noted, upstairs at the Turn Verein meeting hall located at 3349 J Street in Sacramento. Please see the meetings’ blog posts for the details.
Executive Board meetings are generally on the first Wednesday of the month starting at 7pm and are virtual. All club members are invited. Contact SHW President Marco Sguazzin for the details; marco.sguazzin@gmail.com.
Workshops and activities outside of the monthly meetings are as announced for time and location – see blog posts.
March 19 General Meeting- Before You Bottle – Fining, Filtering and Finishing Wines. Guest speaker Scott Harvey discusses the fine tuning of wines before bottling. The Details.
April 16 General Meeting- Recognizing and Sourcing Quality Grapes. Andy Standeven, co-owner and winemaker at Shaker Ridge Vineyard educates us on the important elements when deciding to harvest. More details soon.
Recent Events
Chenin Blanc Vineyard Walk with Warren Bogle
July 24 – The White Winemaking Group braved a very hot summer day checking out the Chenin Blanc at one of Bogle Winery’s vineyards. Warren Bogle led the group talking about cluster development, disease control, extreme weather, and canopy management. Warren brought some of the winery’s Chenin Blanc wines for tasting. Photos courtesy of Steve Van Someren and David Ichikawa.
Jubilee – Wine Competition and Picnic – Awards Ceremony
May 18-19. The weekend was filled with fierce competitions and fun! 133 wines were judged in this Club-exclusive wine competition on May 18. The next day, we cast our label competition votes, languished in the shade while dining on pork sliders and potluck dishes, celebrated the top wine award winners, and tasted the competition’s wines. Thanks to the crews, judges, and coordinators, and special appreciation to Judy Pinegar and family for hosting the picnic.
Spring Activities – Pruning Clinic, UCD Library Tour, State Fair, Winemaking 201
Lots to do and see! Shaker Ridge Vineyard hosted a pruning clinic between raindrops. UCD’s researcher Audrey Russek guided the board through their Special Colelctions and Archives. The Club helps the California State Fair home wine competition in many ways. Winemaking 201 workshop discussed ways winemakers move into the art of wine making.