Ken and Leah Stafford has Petite Sirah, Barbera and Zinfandel grapes available again, possibly some Grenache too, but that is not clear yet.

They write (edited) “… Although we are two months away from harvest, we mention it now for you to offer to your club members so that they can participate more in the curating of the grapes they may wish to use. 

That is, they can come and work on canopy management to their liking.  They can come and check the brix on those grapes that interest them.  Harvest early if wishing to make a rose, or later for reds. 

The more work the club member does, the cheaper the grapes will be for them.  If we have to do the work, there will be an extra fee, as we will most likely need to hire someone to help us harvest.”  

Contact would be by email at or they can call Ken at 209-985-3314.