Program: Start this year’s harvest on the right path by ensuring that your grapes are in balance. Guest speaker John Troiano shares his experience and insights on brix and pH, how both impact the stylistic outcome of your wines, and making the necessary adjustments.

John’s winemaking journey began as a home winemaker (Fat Cats) and hobby viticulturist. John continued making wine when Fat Cats went commercial and was renamed Wreckless Blenders. He is a long-time supporter of SHW, served as Club president, and also started the Club’s website, and mentors home winemakers.

Tasting Table: if you have a wine or two that you’d like to have anonymously evaluated, bring a sample to the meeting. Identify your wine sample only with vintage and varietal / blend; your name is not needed. Check in with Sue Nemeth at the Tasting Table and she’ll give your wine a unique identifier. Before and after the meeting, anyone can anonymously taste your wine and jot down feedback on the form provided. Before you leave the meeting, remember to pick up your wine sample and the written feedback. If you’d like for winemaker John Troiano to taste your wine, give him a taste!

Wednesday night’s meeting starts at 7 pm upstairs at the Turn Verein located at 3349 J Street in Sacramento. Front doors open at 6:30 pm. Bring your wine glass and an optional bottle of wine to share. Your help in setting up and cleaning up is appreciated.

Consume responsibly. If you need assistance or notice someone at any SHW meeting or event who might need assistance, please let a board member know.

Please direct meeting questions to Co-Vice President Byron Froman at