Happy New Year!
Sacramento Home Winemakers is accepting membership applications for 2025. Annual membership dues remain at $60 for general memberships (up to 2 persons at same address) and $10 for higher education student memberships.
Whether you aspire to start making wine or grow your own grapes, or wish to refine your enology and viticulture skills, the Club’s strong educational programs promoting the art and science of home winemaking can help you excel. Upcoming meetings and events are on the website’s home page.
Membership dues help defray costs for meetings, activities, and administration including rent, wine, materials, liability insurance, and website. We appreciate your support!
For more information on membership benefits, and to join or renew on-line or off-line, please visit this link.
Direct membership questions to Membership Chair Tammy Cross at lkcross@aol.com.