SHW’s November meeting is also known as the Annual Meeting when official Club business is conducted such as changes in the Club’s By-laws and the election of the incoming year’s executive board.

The Board of Directors (BOD), composed of the 4 immediate past presidents, the current president, and historian (ex officio) is also the Club’s Nominating Commitee (SHW By-laws, Article IX, Section 3). The following candidates have submitted their names for the following 2025 Executive Board positions that are up for election:

President – Marco Sguazzin

Vice President – Byron Froman and Christa Ring (running as Co-Vice Presidetns)

Secretary – Kathryn Froman

Membership Chair – Tammy Cross

Members At Large (up to 5) – Ron Boyle, Scott Carpenter, Bruce Currie, Chuck Rairdan, Thad Rodgers

Note: the Treasurer’s 2-year position is not up for election in 2025.

Elections for the 2025 Executive Board positions will be held at SHW’s November / Annual meeting on November 20. The BOD continues to accept nominations for the 2025 Executive Board positions. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the November 20 meeting prior to the elections.

Members who are not attending the November20 meeting may vote by proxy. Details to follow.

Please contact BOD Chairperson Joe McGillivray at if you are interested in a position or would like more information.