The latest news…

Winemaker Magazine Boot Camps

In early August, WineMaker magazine has a couple of live on-line boot camps that can bump up your winemaking game: August 1 – Harvest Skills – Home Wine Lab Testing with Bob Peak. Learn to properly and accurately test your wines for  sulfites, malolactic, acidity, sugar, and pH. August 9 – Starting Up a Backyard…


The Sacramento Home Winemakers web site will be undergoing some major changes in the next few months. We wanted to give the membership a “heads-up” about some of these modifications.

First, and most importantly, we will be changing from a completely open site, where, currently, everything is available to anyone visiting the site, to a membership format, where some content will be restricted to only active SHW members. Access to pages, posts and downloads that are intended for members only, will not be accessible to the general public. This means that you will have to log on to the website, as a member, in order to see, or download, this restricted content. More details about this will follow within the month.

Members’ Area

Want to know more about making wine and grape growing?

Join the Sacramento Home Winemakers and get involved in the pleasures of making, and enjoying, home made wines with a great group of people .